



  1. Evolution of Thought in Significant Dates of Science and Exhibits of the Polytechnic Museum / Эволюция мысли в знаменательных датах науки и экспонатах Политехнического музея. Moscow, Polytechnic Museum, 2017. ISBN 978-5-98962-04409


  1. Invented in Russia. History of Russian Inventive Thought from Peter the Great to Nicholas II / Изобретено в России: история русской изобретательской мысли от Петра I до Николая

1st edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2017. ISBN 978-5-91671-752-5

2nd edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2018. ISBN 978-5-91671-786-0

3rd edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2019. ISBN 978-5-91671-955-0

4th edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2019. ISBN 978-5-91671-752-5 [Corporate publication for SVEL Group]

5th edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2023. ISBN 978-5-00139-941-4

6rd edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2024. ISBN 978-5-907470-50-7 [Corporate publication for Technopolis Moscow]

7th edition: China, 北京 / Beijing: 中国科学技术出版社 / China Science and Technology Press, 2024. ISBN 978-752-3602-91-1 [in Chinese]


  1. Popular Mechanics. Entertaining Tests and Experiments / Популярная механика. Занимательные опыты и эксперименты.

1st edition: Moscow, AST, 2018. ISBN 978-5-17-096930-2

2nd edition: Moscow, AST, 2018. ISBN 978-5-17-109869-8


  1. Polytech Calendar 2068 / Календарь Политеха 2068. Moscow, Polytechnic Museum, 2018. ISBN 978-5-98962-028-9


  1. Invented in the USSR. History of Inventive Thought from 1917 to 1991 / Изобретено в СССР: история изобретательской мысли с 1917 по 1991 год.

1st edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2019. ISBN 978-5-91671-988-8

2nd edition: China, 北京 / Beijing: 中国科学技术出版社 / China Science and Technology Press, 2023. ISBN 978-750-4698-49-0 [in Chinese]

3st edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2024. ISBN 978-5-00223-391-5


  1. PR Me If You Can. Instructions for a PR Specialist Written by a Journalist / Пиарь меня, если можешь. Инструкция для пиарщика, написанная журналистом. Moscow, AST, 2019. ISBN 978-5-17-119376-8


  1. Think and Invent / Думай и изобретай / Думай i винаходь. For children.

1st edition: Moscow, Rosman, 2020. ISBN 978-5-353-09358-9 [in Russian]

2nd edition: Ukraine, Kharkiv, Monolit Bizz, 2022. ISBN 978-617-7966-73-8 [in Ukrainian]


  1. [Tatiana Alekseeva, Tim Skorenko] How the inedible becomes edible / Как несъедобное становится съедобным. For children. Moscow, Rozovyy Zhiraf, 2023. ISBN: 978-5-4370-0381-7


9. Mars Rover, Accordion, MRI. The History of Armenian Inventive Thought / Марсоход, аккордеон, МРТ. История армянской изобретательской мысли. Moscow, Slovo, 2024. ISBN 978-5-387-02038-4



  1. The Ode to Absolute Cruelty / Ода абсолютной жестокости. Novel. Мoscow, Facultet, 2010. ISBN 978-5-904358-06-8


  1. The Garden of Hieronymus Bosch / Сад Иеронима Босха. Novel. Moscow, Snezhnyy Kom M, 2011. ISBN 978-5-904919-12-2


  1. The Laws of Applied Euthanasia / Законы прикладной эвтаназии. Novel. Moscow, Snezhnyy Kom M, 2011. ISBN 978-5-904919-22-1


  1. Along the Blade of Words / Вдоль по лезвию слов. Short story collection. Moscow, Fantavesum, 2012. ISBN 978-5-905360-15-2


  1. Legends of Unknown America / Легенды неизвестной Америки. Novel.

1st edition: Moscow, Snezhnyy Kom M, 2013. ISBN 978-5-904919-12-2

2nd edition: Moscow, AST, 2019. ISBN 978-5-17-115877-4


  1. The Bookbinder / Переплётчик. Novel. Moscow, Eksmo, 2014. ISBN 978-5-699-66030-8 [as Eric Delahaye]


  1. Everest / Эверест. Novel. Moscow, AST, 2018. ISBN 978-5-17-110754-3


  1. Glass / Стекло. Novel. Moscow, AST, 2021. ISBN 978-5-17-136637-7




  1. Dogs of the Lord / Псы Господни. Collection of poems. Germany, Sindelfingen,, 2011. ISBN 978-3-941953-35-2


Audiobooks (narrated by Tim Skorenko) 


  1. PR Me If You Can. Instructions for a PR Specialist Written by a Journalist / Пиарь меня, если можешь. Инструкция для пиарщика, написанная журналистом. Moscow, AST, 2019.


  1. Glass / Стекло. Novel. Moscow, AST, 2021.


Selected Literary Awards

  1. Debut 2007 (Speculative Fiction) for a selection of short stories
  2. Facultet 2009 (Speculative Fiction) for a selection of short stories
  3. Silver Arrow 2010 (Best Debut) for The Ode to Absolute Cruelty novel
  4. Bronze Snail 2011 (Novel) for The Garden of Hieronymus Bosch novel
  5. ABS Prize 2011 (Fiction) for The Garden of Hieronymus Bosch novel (short-list)
  6. Big Book 2011, for The Garden of Hieronymus Bosch novel (long-list)
  7. National Bestseller 2011, for The Garden of Hieronymus Bosch novel (long-list)
  8. EuroCon/ESFS Awards-2011 (Best Debut) for The Ode to Absolute Cruelty novel
  9. Bronze Caduceus 2011 (Novel) for The Garden of Hieronymus Bosch novel
  10. Days of Science Fiction in Kyiv-2011 (Best Novel) for The Laws of Applied Euthanasia novel
  11. Bronze Roscon-2012 (Novel) for The Garden of Hieronymus Bosch novel
  12. Strannik-2012 (Image of the Future) for The Laws of Applied Euthanasia novel
  13. Silver Arrow-2012 (Best Female Character) for The Laws of Applied Euthanasia novel
  14. Wave Runner 2012 (Best Female Character) for The Laws of Applied Euthanasia novel
  15. Belyaev Prize 2015 (Series of popular science publications) for a series of articles Entertaining scientific experiments and master classes in the Popular Mechanics magazine
  16. Enlightener-2017 (Humanities) for the book Invented in Russia. History of Russian Inventive Thought from Peter the Great to Nicholas II (short-list)
  17. Enlightener-2019 (Humanities) for the book Invented in the USSR. History of Inventive Thought from 1917 to 1991 (long-list)
  18. ABS Prize 2019 (Fiction) for Everest novel (short-list)
  19. National Bestseller 2020, for the book Invented in the USSR. History of Inventive Thought from 1917 to 1991 (long-list)