- Evolution of Thought in Significant Dates of Science and Exhibits of the Polytechnic Museum / Эволюция мысли в знаменательных датах науки и экспонатах Политехнического музея. Moscow, Polytechnic Museum, 2017. ISBN 978-5-98962-04409
- Invented in Russia. History of Russian Inventive Thought from Peter the Great to Nicholas II / Изобретено в России: история русской изобретательской мысли от Петра I до Николая
1st edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2017. ISBN 978-5-91671-752-5
2nd edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2018. ISBN 978-5-91671-786-0
3rd edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2019. ISBN 978-5-91671-955-0
4th edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2019. ISBN 978-5-91671-752-5 [Corporate publication for SVEL Group]
5th edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2023. ISBN 978-5-00139-941-4
6rd edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2024. ISBN 978-5-907470-50-7 [Corporate publication for Technopolis Moscow]
7th edition: China, 北京 / Beijing: 中国科学技术出版社 / China Science and Technology Press, 2024. ISBN 978-752-3602-91-1 [in Chinese]
- Popular Mechanics. Entertaining Tests and Experiments / Популярная механика. Занимательные опыты и эксперименты.
1st edition: Moscow, AST, 2018. ISBN 978-5-17-096930-2
2nd edition: Moscow, AST, 2018. ISBN 978-5-17-109869-8
- Polytech Calendar 2068 / Календарь Политеха 2068. Moscow, Polytechnic Museum, 2018. ISBN 978-5-98962-028-9
- Invented in the USSR. History of Inventive Thought from 1917 to 1991 / Изобретено в СССР: история изобретательской мысли с 1917 по 1991 год.
1st edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2019. ISBN 978-5-91671-988-8
2nd edition: China, 北京 / Beijing: 中国科学技术出版社 / China Science and Technology Press, 2023. ISBN 978-750-4698-49-0 [in Chinese]
3st edition: Moscow, Alpina Non-Fiction, 2024. ISBN 978-5-00223-391-5
- PR Me If You Can. Instructions for a PR Specialist Written by a Journalist / Пиарь меня, если можешь. Инструкция для пиарщика, написанная журналистом. Moscow, AST, 2019. ISBN 978-5-17-119376-8
- Think and Invent / Думай и изобретай / Думай i винаходь. For children.
1st edition: Moscow, Rosman, 2020. ISBN 978-5-353-09358-9 [in Russian]
2nd edition: Ukraine, Kharkiv, Monolit Bizz, 2022. ISBN 978-617-7966-73-8 [in Ukrainian]
- [Tatiana Alekseeva, Tim Skorenko] How the inedible becomes edible / Как несъедобное становится съедобным. For children. Moscow, Rozovyy Zhiraf, 2023. ISBN: 978-5-4370-0381-7
9. Mars Rover, Accordion, MRI. The History of Armenian Inventive Thought / Марсоход, аккордеон, МРТ. История армянской изобретательской мысли. Moscow, Slovo, 2024. ISBN 978-5-387-02038-4
- The Ode to Absolute Cruelty / Ода абсолютной жестокости. Novel. Мoscow, Facultet, 2010. ISBN 978-5-904358-06-8
- The Garden of Hieronymus Bosch / Сад Иеронима Босха. Novel. Moscow, Snezhnyy Kom M, 2011. ISBN 978-5-904919-12-2
- The Laws of Applied Euthanasia / Законы прикладной эвтаназии. Novel. Moscow, Snezhnyy Kom M, 2011. ISBN 978-5-904919-22-1
- Along the Blade of Words / Вдоль по лезвию слов. Short story collection. Moscow, Fantavesum, 2012. ISBN 978-5-905360-15-2
- Legends of Unknown America / Легенды неизвестной Америки. Novel.
1st edition: Moscow, Snezhnyy Kom M, 2013. ISBN 978-5-904919-12-2
2nd edition: Moscow, AST, 2019. ISBN 978-5-17-115877-4
- The Bookbinder / Переплётчик. Novel. Moscow, Eksmo, 2014. ISBN 978-5-699-66030-8 [as Eric Delahaye]
- Everest / Эверест. Novel. Moscow, AST, 2018. ISBN 978-5-17-110754-3
- Glass / Стекло. Novel. Moscow, AST, 2021. ISBN 978-5-17-136637-7
- Dogs of the Lord / Псы Господни. Collection of poems. Germany, Sindelfingen,, 2011. ISBN 978-3-941953-35-2
Audiobooks (narrated by Tim Skorenko)
- PR Me If You Can. Instructions for a PR Specialist Written by a Journalist / Пиарь меня, если можешь. Инструкция для пиарщика, написанная журналистом. Moscow, AST, 2019.
- Glass / Стекло. Novel. Moscow, AST, 2021.
Selected Literary Awards
- Debut 2007 (Speculative Fiction) for a selection of short stories
- Facultet 2009 (Speculative Fiction) for a selection of short stories
- Silver Arrow 2010 (Best Debut) for The Ode to Absolute Cruelty novel
- Bronze Snail 2011 (Novel) for The Garden of Hieronymus Bosch novel
- ABS Prize 2011 (Fiction) for The Garden of Hieronymus Bosch novel (short-list)
- Big Book 2011, for The Garden of Hieronymus Bosch novel (long-list)
- National Bestseller 2011, for The Garden of Hieronymus Bosch novel (long-list)
- EuroCon/ESFS Awards-2011 (Best Debut) for The Ode to Absolute Cruelty novel
- Bronze Caduceus 2011 (Novel) for The Garden of Hieronymus Bosch novel
- Days of Science Fiction in Kyiv-2011 (Best Novel) for The Laws of Applied Euthanasia novel
- Bronze Roscon-2012 (Novel) for The Garden of Hieronymus Bosch novel
- Strannik-2012 (Image of the Future) for The Laws of Applied Euthanasia novel
- Silver Arrow-2012 (Best Female Character) for The Laws of Applied Euthanasia novel
- Wave Runner 2012 (Best Female Character) for The Laws of Applied Euthanasia novel
- Belyaev Prize 2015 (Series of popular science publications) for a series of articles Entertaining scientific experiments and master classes in the Popular Mechanics magazine
- Enlightener-2017 (Humanities) for the book Invented in Russia. History of Russian Inventive Thought from Peter the Great to Nicholas II (short-list)
- Enlightener-2019 (Humanities) for the book Invented in the USSR. History of Inventive Thought from 1917 to 1991 (long-list)
- ABS Prize 2019 (Fiction) for Everest novel (short-list)
- National Bestseller 2020, for the book Invented in the USSR. History of Inventive Thought from 1917 to 1991 (long-list)